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    Batting Cage Info  





MGSA Batting Cage Rules:

A responsible adult must be present at the cages AT ALL TIMES!!

     Enter batting cage from center aisle in front of pitching machine.

     Only 1 batter allowed in a cage at a time.

      All players must wear batting helmet w/mask at all time while in the batting cage.

     Turn off pitching machines while not in use.

            BE ALERT / NO HORSEPLAY!!

MGSA Batting Cage Schedule



Scheduling Guidelines:


  • Cage #1 refers to the east cage, cage #2 refers to the west cage. If no number is listed next to your time, then you have both cages at that time.
  • The cages will be scheduled from "5-6:15" and "6:30-7:45". This is being done to accommodate the most teams. For example, there were requests made for a date from 5:30-7:30. In this scenario, no other team would realistically be able to use the cages on that evening. However, using the model outlined above, two teams will be able to use the cages on any given evening. Saturday and Sunday scheduling can be for longer time-slots as we have alot more available hours.
  • Priority will be given to teams that have SCHEDULED games/ practices at Birchwood, and games. If you have a 6:30 game, you would receive priority cage time @  the 5:00 slot vs. a team that doesn't have a game that night.
  • Outside of SCHEDULED practices, cage time requests can be made as follows:
      1. Requests will only be reviewed for the following week.
      2. Requests will be on a weighted "first-come, first-served" basis. What this means is that if I request the same day every week, yet another coach requests the same day/time; and he or she has not had anywhere near as many dates scheduled, they would receive priority. In order to allow everyone use, scheduling in this manner should be equitable. Please do not EXPECT to get a certain day/time every week as these guidelines may mean that some weeks you won't get a requested practice.
      3. Please look at the website by Thursday of each week to view the following week's cage schedule.
      4. If there is "open" time that you would like to pickup, please contact me and I will pencil you in (again, according to a weighted, "first-come, first-served" basis).
      5. This does not mean that if you see that four days are open the next week, at both times, and  you call me on Friday morning to request all eight open slots that you will get them. Please be reasonable. I will schedule you one additional time to start, but must allow time to see if any other coaches want to pick-up an open slot.
      6. I hope that this will help clear up some of the cage issues. Remember, we are splitting time among 23 teams, so please have realistic usage expectations.

this website is maintained for the Morton Girls Softball Assn. by Joe Morgan